Review on Valley Enterprise USB to Serial FTDI chipset

Posted by adhiwahyudy on Friday, 14 December 2012

review about valley enterprises usb to rs232 serial db9 cable adapter ftdi chipset Valley Enterprises USB to RS232 Serial DB9 Cable Adapter FTDI Chipset (10 Feet) Product Features : Supports RS232 [...]
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Recovery Software for Usb Flash Drive

Posted by adhiwahyudy

Recovery Software for Usb Flash Drive With all the variety of different software and utilities, depending on the task, there are two different types of recovery programs for flash drives. 1. Program for recovery file from USB drive and valuable [...]
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Manufacturers of USB flash drives and memory cards

Posted by adhiwahyudy on Thursday, 13 December 2012

Manufacturers of flash drives and memory cards In the market there are many manufacturers of flash drives, new and old ones disappear. The best known to date: Lexar JumpDrive  TwistTurn 32GB USB Flash Drive  ADATA Apacer Corsair KingMax Kingston PQI SanDisk Transcend Of [...]
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Iseng Menghasilkan di Ipanelonline Indonesia

Posted by adhiwahyudy on Friday, 7 December 2012

Ipanelonline adalah situs web mengenai survey yang membayar anggotanya ketika melengkapi survey yang ditujukan kepada membernya. Isi survey yang ditujukan ke kita menggunakan bahasa indonesia, jadi kita akan dengan [...]
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Solid State Drive SSD

Posted by adhiwahyudy on Monday, 3 December 2012

Solid State Drive SSD is one of the primary storage media other than the hard disk.  In a computer, SSD and hard disk serves as a medium to put all the data. Booting a computer also uses these two objects. Here [...]
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FLASHDISK ERROR Solution : Usb Drive / Pen Drive Write Protect, Format, Size zero

Posted by adhiwahyudy

Dear Guys, If you find the problem same as the contents above. Please kindly following this step to solve it:  Find VID (Id Vendor) and PID (Id Product) of your type Usb Flashdisk/ Pen Drive, Use This Software USB VIEW / USB DRIVE TOOL, [...]
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Posted by adhiwahyudy on Friday, 6 April 2012

Barangkali ada yang membutuhkan cara unlock modem huawei? biasanya modem yang lock bawaan paket bundling dari provider tertentu. untuk menggunakan kartu lain sudah tentu modem tersebut harus di unlock. Di posting kali ini saya cuma mau membantu sharing [...]